• Prevent API Key authentication prompts in Power Apps and Power Automate

    Prevent API Key authentication prompts in Power Apps and Power Automate

    We receive lots of support calls where users have created a Flow associated with a PowerApp which they have then shared with their team or organisation… however, each user is prompted to ‘Sign In‘ to create an Encodian connection, requiring them to enter an API Key for an Encodian action… less than ideal! So, let’s […]

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  • Create QR Codes with Power Automate and Encodian

    Create QR Codes with Power Automate and Encodian

    We’ve recently released a few new actions for the ‘Encodian connector for Power Automate‘ and this post focusses on the ‘Create QR Code‘ action. QR codes are typically used to store an encoded URL or short string value within an image which can be read natively by most smartphone cameras, for further information check out […]

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  • Split and Extract pages from a PDF Document with Power Automate

    In November last year, we released a new ‘Split PDF‘ action for our Power Automate connector, which allows you to split a PDF document either by several pages, a collection of specific pages or even by the bookmark level (Table of Contents). What’s not so obvious is that you can use the ‘Split PDF’ action […]

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  • Parse a CSV File and Add Content to a SharePoint List

    Lots of software products often have the ability to extract data in a CSV format for consumption by other solutions, this provides a low-cost integration point between systems. In this blog post, I want to showcase a “no-code” solution for parsing CSV data before populating a SharePoint list using Microsoft Power Automate. In this fictional […]

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  • Convert SharePoint List Items to PDF

    Convert SharePoint List Items to PDF with Power Automate

    As a Microsoft community ‘Flownaught’, I spend (Jay Goodison) a lot of my working week helping users on the Microsoft Power Automate Community. It’s a fantastic resource for anyone who needs help building solutions with Microsoft Power Automate! A topic raised often is ‘How to convert SharePoint list data to a PDF Document’, and this post […]

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  • Create and insert a document approval sheet using PowerAutomate Approval data

    Many organisations include a document approval sheet either at the start or end of the document. Using this approach requires the user to manually update the approval table, which is challenging to manage, especially when using an automated approval process to generate an approved version of the document, i.e. you can’t change it once it’s […]

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