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Microsoft 365 EDRMS

Advanced Electronic Document and Records Management solution for SharePoint on-premise, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Office 365.

Who’s already benefitting from Encodian Filer


  • Simplified access

    Enable your users to easily explore large document repositories through defined navigation structures, dynamic filters and search.

    Centralise documents and records in a consistent structure, governed by configuration and assured through automated filing.

    Allow users to view any file (Office, PDF, Images, etc.) instantly within ‘Filer’ removing the need to open the file in native applications.

  • Assure compliance

    Consolidate management of both digital and physical records using our unified management interface.

    Simplify e-discovery and gain full visibility of the information lifecycle through detailed audit logs.

    Enhance SharePoint Online with enterprise records managements features, simplifying the end user experience

  • Digitally transform

    Expedite your digital transformation journey by digitising paper records using our seamless digital service offerings.

    Consolidate enterprise documents through no-code and standards-based integration solutions.

    Integrate enterprise data to deliver enhanced document and records meta data improving data consistency, enabling complex retention.


Encodian ‘Filer’ enables documents and records to be automatically and contextually stored, simplifying an end user’s ability to locate all information pertaining to a specific context (HR Case, Project, Mortgage Account, etc.) through Microsoft 365

  • Configurable Case View

    Present documents in a configurable and structured context, allowing a user to seamlessly explore records relating to the context. Covering any context; HR Files, Patient Records, Finance, Legal, Projects, Accounts, etc.

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  • HTML 5 Document viewer

    Our HTML document viewer allows users to select and view 70+ different types of files without needing to open within the client application. This provides rapid access to select and explore documents within the case view.

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  • Search & Refinement

    Enable users to quickly find the relevant documents in large cases, through ‘Free Text’ search and configurable search refiners. For example; a user could very quickly locate all ‘Approved’ ‘Contracts’ ‘Created’ in the last 90 days.

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  • Annotation & Redaction

    Users can create personal and shared document annotations and even apply redactions through selection or search. Neither annotations or redactions change the underlying record assuring regulatory compliance.

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  • Records Management

    Building upon Microsoft SharePoint standard records management capabilities, Encodian Filer adds support for complex retention schedule rules which cannot be served by the standard Microsoft offerings.

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  • Automatic Document Filing

    Assure that documents are consistently filed in the correct location using the configurable metadata document routing engine. This assures that documents can be easily found, and the correct retention schedules are always applied.

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  • Automatic Document Conversion

    Enable automatic document format conversion (PDF/A) for automatically filed documents to comply with common records management, archive and regulatory compliance practices.

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  • No Code Integration

    Automatically attach business data to document meta data through no-code integration. For example; Automatically add patient demographic data to filed documents, enabling automatic filing and complex retention schedule assignment.

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  • Audit & Reporting

    Our advanced audit engine captures all user and administrative actions enabling advanced reporting. Records managers are also provided with common regulatory reports above SharePoint’s standard capabilities.

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  • Outlook Integration

    Seamlessly add emails and email attachments to Encodian Filer directly from within Microsoft Outlook.

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What our clients say

Encodian Filer can be utilised by all industries to ease access and management of SharePoint document repositories, simplifying regulatory compliance and enabling your digital transformation.

  • Guy Boosey

    Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

    "As an NHS Trust, it is essential that we have the highest level of support for our SharePoint deployment. Encodian excels with their knowledge and responsive customer service, and we’d always recommend them"

  • Vance Smith


    "Your technology has helped us successfully route almost 15,000 forms received from our customers saving over 400-man hours. Our company has derived tremendous value”

  • Amy Freeman

    Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust

    "We have invested in Microsoft cloud technology to dynamically deliver technology solutions in a rapidly changing environment. Encodian have been pivotal in enabling us to deliver and support solutions which deliver real benefits"

  • Bruno Simon

    Quebec Blue Cross

    “I'm delighted that we opted to invest in Encodian's Power Automate connector. Your support and responsiveness is first class and your product is technically excellent. We look forward to delivering enhanced automation solutions for our organisation”

Book a demo

Digitise paper documents? Organise large document repositories? Simplfy access to information? Our team will be able to help you progress your project

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